Youth Connect Calendar

Welcome to our YOUTH CONNECT Calendar!

News for Dessert & Devo, Worship, SundaySchool, Choir & more!

CURRENT CALENDAR for grades 6-8 (MS) & 9-12 (HS) please check back regularly for updates!
For Questions Contact: Tracy:


  • Need Service hours?  You can return bottles for our mission fund raising, or help with the little kids on Wednesdays evenings, and more! Volunteers earn $ credits for youth mission trips or volunteer service hours for school programs!   Contact to sign up!
  • Youth Communications: Parents receive a monthly email, and can check this Connect page for updates each week. Students will get text links for calendar updates and announcements. If your student is not getting these on Wednesdays & Sundays, please contact the church office or Tracy with student cell numbers, 248-349-1144.
  • SundayNight Live – New schedule & Dinners: This year we are scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Sunday every month! Food, fun, faith, friends and more!   All youth must have a current Permission/Health Release form on file with the church. If you missed our Parent meeting or first night on Sept 22, contact Tracy to get all the details and sign-up information! or visit our Meal planning page to sign up: FUMC Youth: FUMC SNL Dinners (

Current Calendar:

Wed, Oct 23

  • Mid-Week Dinner, 5:30pm, Register on the church app!
  • Dessert and Devo, 6-6:30pm Fellowship Hall – Youth may sit with their families or with other youth for this fun and tasty devotion acitivity. We hope you will come give it a try!

Sun, Oct 27

  • Worship 10am 
  • Sunday School, students will be released from the worship service to gather in room 12! 
  • Connections Time, 11am
  • Sunday Night Live – Halloween special event, 6-7:30pm.  This year we meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday every month for food, fun, faith, friends and more!   All youth must have a current Permission/Health Release form on file with the church. For Halloween we take a look at anxiety and depression wrapped in a fun MASK theme. Appropriate costumes are encouraged (with a prize for most creative). We will enjoy a dinner & dessert cooked over FIRE PITS, so don’t miss out!  Contact Tracy for questions or to sign up for SNL:

Sat, Oct 26

Grounds Clean-Up Day,  9-Noon Come out and join in the effort to clean up our church grounds and prep for the changing seasons!  Many hands make light work, and add to the fun.  You can earn mission $ for summer Quest events! For questions, just contact Tracy.

Wed, Oct 23

  • Mid-Week Dinner, 5:30pm, Register on the church app!
  • Dessert and Devo, 6-6:30pm Fellowship Hall – Youth may sit with their families or with other youth for this fun and tasty devotion acitivity. We hope you will come give it a try!

Oct – Nov

  • Graduation Photos – Seniors, send in your grad photo NOW for our Graduation video in May:

Other Dates to SAVE

  • Nov 13, Wed. 3:15-5pmOpen Studio for Youth! Join us for a creative time together! Bring your own project or try something new, painting, kneedle work, sewing, and more. Contact Tracy to sign up and she can even provide your supplies.
  • Nov 22-23  Fall Retreat! Save the date for this fun youth event where we will participate in the Lighted parade community event, have dinner, play games, grow in faith and sleep in the church…and so much more! Details coming soon…
  • Dec 1, 9:00-12:00 & Dec 4, 5:00-6:00 – Accepting Donations for a Toy Swap to benefit Methodist Children’s Home Society: Clear out your house of unused childrens books & toys in clean, working condition:
  • Sun, Dec 8 Youth Missions Bake Sale and our new ToySwap to benefit Methodist Childrens Home. Volunteers needed to work event (8:30am to 12:30pm) and/or donate baked goods! Either form of help earns credits toward mission trips!


  • CELEBRATION! Both July Quest outreach events were a huge success!  Thanks to all that participated or supported. We cleared out 119lbs of trash from the Huron River and down at Cass we built numerous beds and closets for a new shelter, did yoard work, deep cleaned the Scott center kitchen and more! We also enjoyed lodging and worship with the Cass congregation!
  • Youth Interests Survey is now available!  Please help your leaders know what you would like to see in upcoming programming, just click here to take this one minute survey! Thanks:)
  • Youth Support/HELP: FUMC is here for you! If you are suffering from grief, depression, anxiety, etc, your leaders & pastors want to help! Contact Tracy 248-982-0513 or a pastor (Pastor Sarah 248-996-5070 / Rev. Marsha 248-349-1144)

“Our mission is to be a community in which our children and youth can find, experience and share their purpose in life through God’s unconditional love and the teachings of Jesus Christ.” …First United Methodist Church, Northville
