FUMC Young Adult Connector

Get PLUGGED IN with news about ministries, missions & more.

College Connect – Led by Abby Wilbanks and Tracy. Let’s get connected this summer. Coffee meet ups, Sand Volleyball, and more!  Text Tracy to sign up, 248-982-0513. Your friends are invited too!

Mission Quest registration underway!   We have opportunities to serve and be in mission this summer! For more information, visit our MissionQuest page (which includes opportunities for those age 18+): MissionQuest You can find a link or visit the church app for registration, or simply contact Tracy. Young Adults qualify for a scholarship to cover part or most of your costs!

4th of July Parade marchers needed!  Please join the congregation in the parade, where we will invite the community to join us in community service projects throughout the year to Do GoodClick for details.

PUB THEOLOGY, Tuesday, July 2, 7pm, we meet on the first Tuesday of the month at rotating locations! –  People have been gathering in pubs and public spaces for ages, talking about life, philosophy, faith, and deep questions of meaning. The format is simple: beverages, conversation, and God.  Each meeting local location is provided to the email group (restaurants & parks) – please sign up for details- email Tracy: tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org

YA 3rd TUESDAY,  Hope you can join Abby W., Jackie S, and Tracy on July 16.  Contact Tracy to sign up or for questions: tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org.  Next gathering is a Huron River Canoe clean up trip with Give365 in AnnArbor (requires reservation/multi generation so family welcome)! 3rd Tuesday meets for conversation prompts to spark your faith thinking, fellowship, and refreshments each month.

Weekend in the D, July 20-21(come for a day or two!) Hosted by Youth/Young Adult Missions, this Quest journey into Detroit invites folks of all ages to help us empower our partners at Cass Community Social Services. You can come for one day or two, spend the night or commute! We will tackle projects to help them improve facilities and more. To sign up contact Tracy or to learn more, visit our Quest info page.

JOB opportunities – If you are looking for employment, there are opportunities with our day care center and with our Mom’s Morning Out program! There are also opportunities at summer camps with the greater UMC. Contact Tracy for more information.

— Ongoing opportunities —

Circle, each Sunday, 9:15-9:50 ; A different way to do Sundays! Multi-gen Bible Verse small group discussion with Pablo Valencia; Currently held in Fellowship Hall. You can call this gathering church and depart spiritually fed into your week ahead, OR stay for the 10am service with scriptural insights!

Mid-Week Dinners and Choir (returns in September)
All church dinners are just $5.00, RSVPs are appreciated:https://www.fumcnorthville.org/midweek-dinners/
Choir rehearsals are held after dinner – all are welcome, no experience needed.

Campus Ministry Connections, Rev. Jeff Williams is the Chairperson of the Div. of Higher Education and Campus Ministry for the UMC. He is trying to connect college students with the Wesley Director or campus ministry staff.  If you would like to be connected to this resource, it is easy, just email Tracy at tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org and she will get you connected!

Global Mission Fellows is seeking new applicants – see more below in UMC opportunities!

MORE Events/Opportunities —-

SCHOLARSHIPS! Did you know that just one application can be submitted for all the scholarships open through GBHEM? Visit the web page to learn more.

Mission Quest 2024 Contact Tracy to express interest in being a leader, mentor or participant in our 2024 MissionQuest programs; tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org

Returning in the spring: Sat in the “D”,  Join the effort to help out neighbors in Detroit! No experience necessary, we always need helpers for jobs with our local partners. We will meet at the church at 8:30am if you want to car pool – Or meet us at our designated project at 9:00. RSVP to (aljohnson0619@gmail.com), text or phone call (734.718.2183)

UMC Internship/Mission Opportunities (some of these are being updated by the UMC, contact Tracy for more updated info)
1. Global Mission Fellows are young adults, ages 20–30, who are committed to work in social justice ministries for two years. They serve outside of their home communities, either in the United States or overseas. This graduate-level fellowship allows… for more info, visit Global MIssion Fellows
2. MI1 Fellow Program (similar to GMF-US2 but 1year) A one year experience for young adults between 18 and 28 years old designed to be mutually transformative for the young people involved, the communities in which they’ll live, and the organizations they’ll serve with. Learn more and apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1sbMIbRjtwvyhCciXD2giRIOmeZY-DdfdCKoWmc9HWxc/viewform?edit_requested=true
3. Summer Intern Programs: Multiple opportunities in Missions, Camps, Ministry and schools! To learn more, visit https://michiganumc.org/young-adult/young-adult-summer-programs-2022/
4. Young Adult Initiatives, Michigan Conference:  Have a “seed” of an idea for missional ministry for your community? Seed to Harvest is a program of the Michigan Conference of the UMC that supports young adult leaders in bringing their ministry ideas to fruition. The program offers support in the form of monthly one-on-one coaching and group support with… VISIT WEB INFO

Other Ongoing ministry events

Sometimes, stepping out and trying something new can really allow us to grow…spiritually or in relationship with others, it is all good! Join us on any of the multiple opportunities throughout the year, you are sure to find one that works for you. Friends age 18 and over are invited too!  -To sign up for future events, contact Tracy Ortlieb: tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org.

There are lots of opportunities to help with the music ministry of our church!  Please contact Logan at lhamilton@fumcnorthville.org to get all the details!

Young Adult Small Study Group
Small can be good!  If you are interested in spiritual growth via a committed small* study group, this is for you! Contact tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org to express interest.  We will select dates and times depending on our signups and specific study interests (Bible/Social Justice/Personal growth/etc).
*What will be small about it? – commitments to prepare will be minimal (possible short readings) – group size – duration of study to be limited

 Contact Tracy for upcoming study details and sign-ups, tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org.

Career Network Ministries Young adults interested can sign up for career assistance – you never know the network your church family might be a able to offer! Sign up by contacting Tracy Ortlieb at tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org

CLICK HERE to visit the FUMC church calendar for dates, times and locations of all events!
For Questions, contact Tracy tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org

Looking for MORE? 

UPDATED LINKS: Click on your school below, or Google “Wesley Foundation (+name of your school)”! This might be the place to make some new connections…or to have some fun…or to find some good food🙂
If you can’t find your local chapter on-line, just email tortlieb@fumcnorthville.org for help.