United Methodist Men is a vibrant organization that provides activities to support the men of the church along with various committees and groups: “People, Pancakes, Praise & Church Business”. Featuring monthly speakers, topics will always be based on balancing Spirituality, Friends, Family, Career, and Health. Our aim is to offer spiritual fulfillment to men of all ages and places in their faith journey! For more information email Brian Turnbull.
This group was formed over 15 years ago to support Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people on their faith journeys. In a safe, confidential environment where we are affirmed and recognized as created and loved by God, we seek to expand the light and love of God within us all. Some of us are members of Northville FUMC or other churches; while some have no religious affiliation, but are healing from past experiences with unwelcoming religious families or faith communities. Visit our page for more information.
Opportunities for worship, learning, fellowship, faith sharing and service that help older adults (60+) continue to grow in their faith and be actively involved in the life of the church through lunch groups, touring groups, speakers, special events, and more. These activities are organized/hosted by one of the following three groups. You may participate at anytime.
Join us quarterly for a potluck and program luncheon. It’s a wonderful time to fellowship with others over favorite shared recipes followed by an entertaining program. Watch our bulletin or weekly newsletter for upcoming events or email Patti Dawes with questions.
- AMAZING GRAYSThe senior group called the Amazing Grays is planning some fun activities again as we have enjoyed in the past. Most of the activities will be in the Detroit metro area and some might be a little farther from home. It will be a good chance to have fellowship with others, make new friends and go places that we may not have seen before. The activities that are farther from home will start at the lower lobby at church so we can car-pool. If it is a nearby location, we will all meet at the destination. Sometimes it may involve lunch or dessert. We will not adhere to a fixed date or time each month. Watch our bulletin or weekly newsletter for upcoming events or email Russ Dore’ with questions.
- SENIOR LUNCH BUNCH Join us in fellowship at a lunch out on the second Monday of the month. It is a great opportunity to meet and be with other Senior members of our Church for good food, fellowship, and great conversations. Watch our bulletin or weekly newsletter for each month’s location. Email Dennis Kunick with questions.

Were you aware of the beautiful gardens here at FUMC? If connecting with God through nature is your thing, you’ll appreciate the opportunities to do so here at our facility. Most gardens are a bit hidden from you as you drive by, but we have many we would like you to know about. To view some snapshots, CLICK HERE! The PATH @ FUMC is located throughout our gardens and is a place where you can meditate, pray, journal, read, contemplate, convene, and picnic. The Path is waiting for you to walk humbly with our Creator God. Bring a friend or find time on your own to explore, unplug, stroll, wander or sit on a bench and breathe in the quiet. For information on The PATH, Click Here. If you are interested in helping to maintain our gardens and FUMC grounds, volunteers are always welcome! We are also considering expanding on these current gardens, and are seeking volunteers to help with the long-term plans as we move forward. For more information, please email Tracy Ortlieb.