How to Send Stock Contributions to FUMC Northville
Step 1:
Individuals wishing to contribute stock to Northville FUMC should instruct their broker to transfer the stock to the church’s broker, Todd Knickerbocker (248-349-3027) at Raymond James. The church’s account number is 15767010 and the DTC number 0725. Transfer requests/gifts should be sent to:
Raymond James
c/o Todd Knickerbocker
182 E. Main St.
Northville, MI 48167.
Step 2:
Once the donor has decided on the stock and quantity of shares, and initiated the transfer, please contact Lindsey Eliason ( or Jennifer Harrison ( at the FUMC Business Office to let them know to expect the stock transfer. They will need to know three things:
- What stock(s) will be transferred
- How many shares of each stock will be transferred
- Where the gift should be applied (Regular Offerings, Facilities Improvement Fund, etc.)
Step 3:
Raymond James will receive the stock and sell it with the proceeds, after fees, being deposited into the church’s account. The church will then issue the donor a letter to acknowledge their gift of the stock to the church.
Thank you for your generosity!
FUMC Northville Business Office