Wednesday, March 12, 8:30am, Michigan State Capitol, Lansing

Michigan’s lawmakers passed legislation in 2019 that changed auto insurance laws. Now Michigan drivers must select from confusing insurance coverage options that can have terrible consequences when a crash causes serious injury requiring long-term care.

Advocacy Day 2025 will focus on meeting with your legislators to advocate for legislation that would (1) provide sustainable reimbursement rates for medical providers and (2) increase the number of hours that family caregivers can be reimbursed. This is a bipartisan issue and bringing people of faith together will help raise awareness and get this done.

The 2025 Advocacy Day at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing will be held on Wednesday, March 12. Last year, hundreds of United Methodists and friends from across Michigan spent the day advocating with their state legislators, and this year, we hope to grow that participation. Carpooling is available.

Interested? Attendees must participate in two Zoom meetings to prepare for the meetings with legislators. They will be held on Feb. 24 and March 3 at 7:00pm. Please contact Anne Holder for more information and to RSVP.